In waves of change, challenge and fear - we find our true direction.

- Unknown -

It's No Coincidence You're Here

I see you divine soul, and I’m honored that you’ve found your way here to this site. You’re here on this earth for a reason – whether you’re aware of it or not and I’m here to help. You see, you’re meant to experience, elevate, grow, expand and feel all that comes with it. Through the interconnected flow of duality you’ve learned many things and made many decisions consciously and unconsciously, and will continue to do so. All in which have brought you to this moment to where you’re currently here reading this. You may already know what you’re in need of - you may not. Regardless, what brought you here was the desires of your heart and soul looking to find a way to be heard. Whether you’re in need of healing, teaching or guidance – I’m here for you. Let’s discover that inner peace, and connect you to the flow of fulfillment, purpose, joy, love, gratitude and connection.
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Oracle Card Readings

Looking for some answers on demand? Having trouble hearing your intuition? Sometimes life leads us into the middle of a house full of mirrors and we’re not sure what’s really there, and which way is out. 

Energy Healing

Our energy field can harbor stagnate energy on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. With the use of Reiki, Ho'oponopono and crystals we'll move stuck and unwanted energy out of your chakras and field, and even reveal some messages from your guides and angels. If you’re feeling out of it, weighed down, having pain or discomfort – this session will give you the relief, clairity and relaxation you've been looking for.

Pearls Of The Heart Package

Coming Soon!

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The Mermaid in the Sea

I help those who are in need of direction, have a desire to grow and expand, remain open-minded, and who are ready to bring awareness to themselves and their environment. I'll guide you through meditations and conversations that explore your inner world and current life situation and how it’s connected to your energy and the energy you are attracting, as well as root beliefs. I create custom self-love and self-discovery practices for you to heal and move stagnant energy, as well as build your emotional intelligence and confidence. Through spiritual guidance, oracle cards, and reflective/high-mileage conversations, we'll uncover the experiences and root beliefs behind the habits, patterns, and choices that are keeping you from living a life filled with joy, gratitude, fulfillment, and essentially the direction you seek.

Guest Appearance

How YouCan2 Podcast: Building emotional intelligence, and the power of choice, boundaries, self-love, the and language we use.

Listen on Spotify or Apple.


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